When tragedy strikes
and a loved one is lost, life turns upside down.
Chesed Shel Emes (CSE) serves as a shoulder to lean on in times of darkness and loss. We offer step by step guidance to grieving families with empathy and compassion, arranging expeditious Jewish burials, and even picking up the tab when there’s no one to cover the cost.
When there’s law enforcement involved, CSE will serve as the liaison between the mourning families and the agencies involved. CSE will ensure that all Halachic traditions are followed and that every deceased person is treated with the utmost dignity and respect.
Chesed Shel Emes Rescues Jewish Woman From Potter’s Field on Hart Island and Brings Her to Kevuras Yisrael
It has been almost a full year, but with persistence the remains of a Jewish woman have finally been brought to their proper resting place in kever Yisrael. When this woman in her 50s passed away on March 24, 2023, her mother was quite ill, and her sister, who is
A Mes Mitzvah From Discovery to Burial
Did You Know Mr. Mendel Sholomson? On Erev Yomtov the phone rang at Chesed Shel Emes, it was a NYC Medical Examiner trying to decide what to do with a Niftar that had been found in a local park. Without much more than his name, all the Medical Examiner knew
Wheelchair-using victim of Brooklyn crash died alone, with no next of kin
A charity organization has stepped in to arrange the burial of a 68-year-old woman who was crushed to death crossing a Brooklyn roadway in her wheelchair after the group found she has no next of kin. “To bury someone who is a loner is one of the most important commandments